Use the Component tab to combine items into a multi-item package. A component is an item that is part of the package.
Each component is added individually, but before you can add the component, it must have inventory and be available.
To create a package, add items to a room type or combine other items to sell together:
From the Tree, select the first inventory item. It will appear in the Item field of the Item Components screen.
Click the Component tab. The Item Components screen appears.
From the Component Group drop-down list, select which item group you are adding this package to.
From the Component drop-down list, select an item (previously created) you want to add to this package.
In the Quantity to include field, enter the number of components to include as part of the package.
If the item is to be available every day or several days during the stay, select Quantity is per each interval.
If the item can be split up over several days, select Allow quantity to be split up.
To offer a choice of when the item will be available, select Allow choice of which interval the component is for.
If the price of this component is included in the price of the package, select The component is included in the price.
Click Add Component to add the component (or click Cancel Changes to quit without saving).
If you want to add more components to the package, repeat the steps 4 through 10 to add more components to the package or go to step 12.
Do one of the following:
Select another tab to continue setting up inventory items.
Select the Rates option to add or modify rates.
Click the property name at the top of the screen to return to the Property Dashboard.