Use the Channel Settings tab to define which distribution channels will have access to your properties, which channels to exclude from having access to your properties, the parameters to use and how the properties will be recognized in a specific channel. If no settings are made, the properties will be available to all channels. You can also set your filters, parameters, conversions and notifications for specific date ranges so they can vary by month or according to season.
You will also see who made the last modification to each channel.
You can sort any of your channel settings lists by column by clicking the column heading.
Channel filter settings are used to determine what channels the property is distributed to. If no filters are added, the property is distributed to all available channels. You can also choose to exclude specific channels. Inherited settings are displayed in green text.
Options are:
Exclude: To block this property from being seen by the selected channel or channels
Include: To make this property available only to the selected channel or channels. When using the Include option, only those channels selected can access the property; all other channels will be excluded from this property
Generic: To filter for generic room types
Filtering a Distribution Channel
Editing a Distribution Channel Filter
Setting Distribution Channel Parameters
Setting Distribution Channel Conversions
To assign a new filter setting:
Select the Filters option.
Click Assign New. The Setup Property Channel Settings – Filter screen appears.
Select the channel type in the Channel Name drop-down list box.
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Tip: You can also begin entering a channel name. As you enter characters, the list will automatically scroll down to the matching characters. |
Enter the Begin Date and End Date.
Select whether to include or exclude this channel in Filter Type.
Click Save.
Click the Edit link to the right of the channel you want to change. The filter setup screen appears.
Enter the changes.
Click Save.
You cannot delete unwanted channels. You can click Inactivate or Activate to change the active status.
Channel parameter settings allow you to specify the display order of the parameter for the selected channel. You can only set for one channel at a time so you will have to keep track of the order (set in the value field). Inherited settings are displayed in green text.
To add channel parameters:
Click the Parameters option.
Click Assign New. The Setup Property Channel Settings – Parameters screen appears.
Enter the channel type in the Channel Name drop-down list box.
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Tip: You can also begin entering a channel name. As you enter characters, the list will automatically scroll down to the matching characters. |
Enter a Begin Date and End Date.
Select Parameter Name to add.
Enter the display order value in the Value field.
Click Save.
Click the property name at the top of the screen to return to the Property Dashboard.
Click the Edit link to the right of the conversion you want to change. The parameter setup screen appears.
Enter the changes.
Click Save.
You cannot delete a channel parameter. Click Inactivate to set a channel parameter to inactive. Click Activate to reactivate a channel parameter.
Channel conversion settings allow you to convert RVNG item codes to GDS item codes with a variety of text types. Inherited settings are displayed in green text.
These conversions have several uses:
Set Room Type conversions for those channels that require them.
Set channel-specific short descriptions, long descriptions, and extended long descriptions for the items. The lengths of these fields can be configured for each channel.
Set channel-specific ordering of rooms.
To assign a new conversion setting:
Select the Conversions option.
Click Assign New. The Setup Property Channel Settings Conversion screen appears.
Select the channel type from the Channel Name drop-down list box.
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Tip: You can also begin entering a channel name. As you enter characters, the list will automatically scroll down to the matching characters. |
Enter a Begin Date and End Date.
Enter the item code (1 to 10 alphanumeric characters – or for contracted rate plans, i.e., Negotiated or Consortia, Code must be 3 alphanumeric characters for Sabre, Worldspan, Amadeus and ADS. Galileo can be 2 to 6 alphanumeric characters) in the Code field. This is the cross reference code for the item for the selected channel. This cannot be made up and must correspond with the GDS inventory cross reference.
Enter the item's channel specific short description (maximum 30 characters).
Enter the channel specific long description (you must include the rate plan name in the first textbox) based on the parameters set for you for this distribution channel (you can fill in up to 47 characters per textbox, but after 94 characters, the GDS will truncate this information). Contact your Pegasus representative for these values.
If needed, enter the channel specific extended long description (up to 960 characters).
Click Save.
Click the Edit link to the right of the conversion you want to change.
Enter the changes.
Click Save.
A channel parameter conversion cannot be deleted. Click Inactivate to set a channel parameter conversion to inactive. Click Activate to reactivate a channel parameter conversion.
Notifications settings allow you to specify how notifications (reservations, restriction setting, property information and other changes) are sent through specific distribution channels. Inherited settings are displayed in green text.
To assign a new notification setting:
Select the Notification option. The Setup Property Channel Settings Notifications screen appears.
Click Assign New.
Enter the channel type in the Channel Name drop-down list box.
![]() |
Tip: You can also begin entering a channel name. As you enter characters, the list will automatically scroll down to the matching characters. |
Enter a Begin Date and End Date.
Select the Notification Type.
Allocation: Group block allocation changes
Inventory: Inventory item counter changes
Item Information: Item information or characteristic changes
Property Setup: Property information (description, rating, address, etc.) changes
Rate Amounts: Rate amount changes (except variable rate values)
Rate Setup Information: Rate setup changes
Reservation: Reservation/booking changes
Restriction: All restriction changes
Note: To receive inventory or rates change notifications, the Notify check box must be selected in Item Setup and Rate Setup screens. See Item and Rate (Property).
Select the Method of notification (email or PMS Interface). If using email, additional fields appear for you to enter an email address and select whether the email supports html (y = yes; n = no).
From the Method drop-down list, select the notification delivery method. If using e-mail, additional fields appear for you to enter an e-mail address and select whether the e-mail supports html (y = yes; n = no).
Click Save.
Click the property name at the top of the screen to return to the Property Dashboard.
Click the Edit link to the right of the conversion you want to change.
Enter the changes.
Click Save.
A channel notification cannot be deleted. Click Inactivate to set a channel parameter conversion to inactive. Click Activate to reactivate a channel parameter conversion.